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A period of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter
Easter is just around the corner. On 27 March 2016 Christianity will observe its most important feast. Since apostolic times a period of fasting and preparation is observed before Easter. Lent provides for a 40-day fast starting on Ash Wednesday. This is one of two annual and extended periods of fasting.
February 3, 2016

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Neighbourly love instead of xenophobia
“The stranger is your neighbour!” This was one of the core messages from Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider over the past year. And—even in times of terrorism and war, waves of immigration, and xenophobia—this also remains our mission for the new year.
January 1, 2016

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Tolerance – more than a word
“To tolerate means to offend,” the great German poet and playwright Johann Wolfgang von Goethe says. In his Maxims and Reflections he writes that tolerance should only be a passing mood; it ought to lead to acknowledgement and appreciation. What is tolerance? And why do we need a day to officially observe this?
November 16, 2015

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European District Apostles meet in Zurich
Twice a year the District Apostles of Europe come together for conferences to discuss topics that are relevant for the European regional churches. The conference centre at the international head office of the New Apostolic Church provides an ideal environment for such meetings.
November 13, 2015

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A man of great faith
This past Sunday, 25 October 2015, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider conducted a divine service in our central church in Buenos Aires in Argentina, in which he placed District Apostle Norberto Passuni into retirement. District Apostle Helper Enrique Eduardo Minio was ordained to succeed him as District Apostle for Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay.
October 28, 2015

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Invitation to the international youth convention in 2019
From 30 May to 2 June 2019 there will be a remake of the European Youth Day—this time with participants from around the world. “I hope to see many young people from all over the world in Düsseldorf on Ascension 2019,” Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider says.
October 13, 2015