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Chief Apostle to visit Blantyre, Malawi’s oldest municipality
Malawi is the cradle of the New Apostolic Church in Central Africa. George Henwood, the later Apostle, was born here in 1901. He was one of the great pioneers of missionary work and instrumental in building up the church in Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Malawi. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider will celebrate the upcoming service for the departed in Blantyre.
October 29, 2016

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Bridge-builder between churches, cultures, and generations
There has been a lot of talk about reconciliation over the past weeks. One man in particular was instrumental in quietly paving the way for this. Fifty years ago today, he was ordained into the ministry that preaches reconciliation: Hermann Engelauf.
October 22, 2016

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“We have not inherited the church from our parents, but have borrowed it from our children.”
Candour is his middle name, and the future of the Church is something very close to his heart. In a week from now, the world’s most senior District Apostle will go into retirement. Who exactly is this Wilfried Klingler?
June 11, 2016

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Twenty congregations and just one church
Believers here gather for divine service in a stadium even during the rainy season. It is here that hundreds of believers receive the sacrament of Holy Sealing in the same divine service—and it is here that many have not yet seen the Chief Apostle. The latter will change this weekend.
February 26, 2016

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A man of great faith
This past Sunday, 25 October 2015, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider conducted a divine service in our central church in Buenos Aires in Argentina, in which he placed District Apostle Norberto Passuni into retirement. District Apostle Helper Enrique Eduardo Minio was ordained to succeed him as District Apostle for Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay.
October 28, 2015

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Our understanding of ministry is being revised
“After the Catechism is before the Catechism …” This was the motto that accompanied the introduction of this fundamental reference work in December 2012. And driven by this motto, the District Apostle Meeting continues to work on fundamental concepts. Currently in the District Apostles’ focus is our concept of ministry.
October 14, 2015

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“No, I am not afraid. I trust in God”
On Sunday, 19 April 2015, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider celebrated a divine service in Dodoma, the national capital of Tanzania. On this occasion, he placed District Apostle Shadreck Lubasi into retirement and ordained Joseph Opemba Ekhuya (45) as his successor, and commissioned him to lead the New Apostolic Church East Africa as District Apostle. A few weeks before this change, the two Apostles gave an interview.
September 5, 2015

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From street child to founding father
Many contributed to the development of the Church by preaching or doing soul care, but Apostle John Erb also laid the legal foundations for the New Apostolic Church in the United States. John Erb was born 140 years ago to the day. He had his share of ups and downs in life.
June 24, 2015