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Bridge-builder between churches, cultures, and generations
There has been a lot of talk about reconciliation over the past weeks. One man in particular was instrumental in quietly paving the way for this. Fifty years ago today, he was ordained into the ministry that preaches reconciliation: Hermann Engelauf.
October 22, 2016

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“We have not inherited the church from our parents, but have borrowed it from our children.”
Candour is his middle name, and the future of the Church is something very close to his heart. In a week from now, the world’s most senior District Apostle will go into retirement. Who exactly is this Wilfried Klingler?
June 11, 2016

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A heavyweight in terms of faith
A man with a clear profile … Not only his imposing appearance, his voice, and his poise contributed to his striking personality, but most of all his heart’s attitude. District Apostle Klaus of Southern Germany would have been 75 years of age today.
June 3, 2015

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Memorial service for retired Chief Apostle Richard Fehr
Zurich. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider called his predecessor in ministry a “wise man with great vision”. The majority of New Apostolic District Church leaders from around the world attended the memorial service for the highly respected and popular Chief Apostle, who had directed the affairs of the New Apostolic Church over the seventeen years from 1988 to 2005. It was in gratitude and sadness that they gathered in the Zurich-Hottingen church to take leave of Richard Fehr, who passed away on 30 June 2013, shortly before his 74th birthday.
July 19, 2013

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Obituary for Chief Apostle Richard Fehr
Zurich. It is with great sadness that New Apostolic Christians around the world have learned of the passing of Chief Apostle Richard Fehr, who had served in ministry for many years. Expressions of sympathy have begun to arrive from all parts of the globe. Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider describes his predecessor in ministry as a man of great wisdom and vision. “He always had a feel for the global Church and promoted its internationality. His time in office always stood—and still stands—for openness and tolerance.”
July 2, 2013

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Chief Apostle Richard Fehr has passed away
Zurich. In the early evening hours of this Sunday, 30 June 2013, retired Chief Apostle Richard Fehr passed into the beyond. He is survived by his wife Sonja and his family. In his official notice to the District Apostles, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider informed them that his predecessor in the Chief Apostle ministry closed his eyes peacefully at around 5:00 PM. In mid-July he would have been 74 years of age.
July 1, 2013

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Festive divine service and fifty-year wedding anniversary in Zurich
Zurich. “I stand before you with a pounding heart” – it was with these words that Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber began his address to the anniversary couple, Sonja and Richard Fehr, as they celebrated their golden wedding. The large festive congregation was thankful and happy that the retired Chief Apostle Fehr had indeed been able to attend this special divine service despite the health impediments that had resulted from his recent stroke.
October 1, 2010