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History in the making: the whole world comes together for Easter
When people do renovations, they are usually planning something special. And that is precisely what is happening right now in the middle of Germany. After all, Pentecost will already come on Easter this year. And the Chief Apostle will visit every interested party at home—online.
April 4, 2020

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Fellbach, a church with global reach
Fellbach, the name rings familiar in New Apostolic circles. Chief Apostle Richard Fehr was both ordained and retired there. And his successor, Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber, was ordained there. On Sunday, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider will visit the congregation.
December 4, 2019

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Ministry (9): Adapting ministry to the times
Can the Apostles just go ahead and do that? Are they even allowed to reorganise the ministerial structure? Not only are they allowed to do so—they must! Read on to find out why they did so in the first place, and where the limits are—ministry between the past and the future.
October 10, 2019

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In the service of Jesus
A familiar hymn urges: “Of service be to Jesus” and goes on to admonish listeners to be “a fit tool in His hand”. This is a question of what individual Christians can do—both for themselves and for others—even without an official ministerial mandate.
August 31, 2019

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The “Chief”—way ahead of his time
The Church’s own health insurance, a football league of congregational teams, and a working area that spanned half the globe: today we celebrate the 125th birthday of Heinrich Franz Schlaphoff—an Apostle unlike any other.
August 2, 2019

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The concept of ministry in a nutshell
The concept of ministry is on every channel: in addition to the latest issue of community , the Divine Service Guide and are busy explaining the most current doctrinal statements—sometimes more exhaustively, and sometimes more succinctly. Here is the abridged version for those who are in a real hurry.
July 3, 2019

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community is online: issue 2019/03
Week after week, believers around the world gather for divine services in their congregations—a joy they all share. However, their living conditions could not be more different. The new issue of community takes a look at the diversity of our congregations and features special divine services.
July 1, 2019

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One Pentecost and five international messages
Pentecost 2019 will enter New Apostolic history as a feast of internationality. Hardly ever before have so many impulses of such international significance been aired. Here are some of them to re-read.
June 15, 2019