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What is an absolute must for a congregation?
What does a congregation need to be able to function and live its faith? The wishes around the world are as broad and diverse as the living conditions are. But what is really required? We are going to take a look at an ongoing project that has come up with some surprising answers.
August 24, 2015

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Johann R. Kitching Jr.: a champion with vision
“Unity in diversity” was one of his big topics. And this is reflected in the legacy that he left the New Apostolic Church, the result of decades of dedicated work: he formulated the international Church’s Vision and Mission Statements. Today, District Apostle Kitching would have turned 65 years of age.
July 23, 2015

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How the Divine Service Guide is created
The making of the divine services for 2017 has begun—at least for nearly 30 Apostles from around the world. They are the writers of the Divine Service Guide, which is distributed to nearly 200,000 New Apostolic ministers around the world. The go-ahead was given at a recent authors’ workshop.
July 8, 2015

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Spotlight 08: A logo with a special message
In order to get a better picture of the international motto for the year—“Joy in Christ”—the New Apostolic Church of South East Africa developed a logo, just as other District Churches have also done. But this insignia has a special additional message. District Apostle Mandla Patrick Mkhwanazi explains:
May 11, 2015

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Working with heart, soul, and reason
The most recent District Apostle Meeting came to its conclusion with a festive divine service. And it was precisely this work that had been accomplished over the previous days that Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider chose as his main focus. He sees this as a guideline for making the right decisions—even for our members in general.
March 18, 2015

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“Questions and Answers” will be published in fall 2015
A new variant of the Catechism of the New Apostolic Church is scheduled to appear in September 2015. This resolution was passed by the District Apostle Meeting at its most recent session. The reference work has been structured into "Questions and Answers" and is scheduled for publication in five languages to start.
March 16, 2015

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Media offer 2015: “community” is the international magazine for members
Communicating in timely fashion, quickly and globally—that is what Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider hopes to achieve. Last year, the District Apostle Meeting ratified a corresponding media concept. And part of this newly structured media bond that spans the globe is a magazine called “community”.
February 27, 2015

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A task for everyone: living reconciliation
The Statement of Reconciliation between the New Apostolic Church and the Apostolic Community (Apostolische Gemeinschaft) in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany is more than an interdenominational act. This was made clear by Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider. The idea of reconciliation is something that should concern all brothers and sisters.
February 5, 2015

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Central and Northern Germany to grow together
Gifhorn/Zurich. The New Apostolic Church in Central Germany and Northern Germany will grow into a new District Apostle district in 2016. This was the news that the incumbent Central German District Apostle Wilfried Klingler shared with the congregation of Gifhorn, from where last Sunday’s Thanksgiving service was transmitted throughout the entire District Apostle district by satellite.
October 11, 2014

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New Finance Committee begins its work
Zurich. The first District Apostle Meeting of this year initiated several projects. Among others, the District Apostles resolved to create a new Finance Committee (we reported). It is to aid in bringing about greater transparency for the financial resources expended by the Church in order that the responsibilities for significant operations in the Church can be governed in accordance with the best available knowledge and practices.
April 8, 2014