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Black on white: our concept of ministry is unfolding
The concept of ministry of the New Apostolic Church is becoming more and more concrete. This is reflected in the publication which the ministers of the Church around the world will be receiving over the next few days. This is not a revolution, but certainly an evolution.
June 21, 2017

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“Teach the children and inspire them!”
An appeal of a special kind: Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider is constantly striving to keep an eye on the younger generation of the Church. This was not only part of his Pentecost sermon in Vienna, but also applies to the teaching materials that will be used in the various levels of Church instruction.
June 15, 2017

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Milestones in the making
Pentecost in Vienna has what it takes to create milestones. So also in 1990, a year that went down in New Apostolic history. Besides being the first international conference of Apostles it was also the first international transmission of a Pentecost service. Follow us on a journey through time.
May 31, 2017

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SplitView and 3D Touch for the Catechism
A book of faith, a reference work, Church doctrine pure … The Catechism has been given many names, and in the meantime also quite a number of formats. One of its digital variations has just received a complete makeover.
January 5, 2017

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Media offer 2015: nacfaq is the Catechism app with 750 answers
The Catechism of the New Apostolic Church in Questions and Answers has just been published. The book can be used in class by students and teachers and is a good tool for self-study. Internet users will be delighted: the matching app is now available for download free of charge.
October 3, 2015

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Media offer 2015: nacnews is the news app
With a single click, users can receive news from around the NAC world on their smart phones or tablets: the news app nacnews is available with new functions immediately.
August 15, 2015

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Staying up to date with
News from around the New Apostolic world is released on every day except Sunday. How do you find out when the articles go online without constantly having to manually check the website for new content?
August 10, 2015