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Working hand in hand for the well-being of others
Since its founding in the year 1997, Stichting Corantijn, the relief agency of the New Apostolic Church in the Netherlands, has been providing charitable aid to Suriname. For a few years now, it has been receiving some support from the Church aid organisation, NAK-karitativ.
September 26, 2019

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In the service of Jesus
A familiar hymn urges: “Of service be to Jesus” and goes on to admonish listeners to be “a fit tool in His hand”. This is a question of what individual Christians can do—both for themselves and for others—even without an official ministerial mandate.
August 31, 2019

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It has been an honour
When the District Apostle Meeting was in session, he always sat in the first row, there where the Spanish-speakers sat. Because although he is the District Apostle of Brazil—where Portuguese is spoken—he speaks Spanish and is a native of Uruguay. A man with many talents is retiring.
August 3, 2019

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The concept of ministry in a nutshell
The concept of ministry is on every channel: in addition to the latest issue of community , the Divine Service Guide and are busy explaining the most current doctrinal statements—sometimes more exhaustively, and sometimes more succinctly. Here is the abridged version for those who are in a real hurry.
July 3, 2019

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One Pentecost and five international messages
Pentecost 2019 will enter New Apostolic history as a feast of internationality. Hardly ever before have so many impulses of such international significance been aired. Here are some of them to re-read.
June 15, 2019