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The sacraments (6): What matters is a matter of faith
Seven, three, or two: how many sacraments are there actually? Not even all the Christian denominations are in agreement with themselves when it comes to that question. But there is one point of intersection which all of them do acknowledge—almost all of them, that is.
March 30, 2020

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A whirlwind of a weekend in Bogotá and Lima
Travelling to individual countries can certainly be strenuous, especially if the responsible District Apostle has announced his visit to congregations that are quite distant from one another. It is on just such a weekend in Colombia and Peru with District Apostle Leonard Kolb that Bishop Manfredo Stegmann reports.
February 6, 2020

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Changes in the circle of the Apostles (2/2019)
Only a few retirements and ordinations have taken place recently in the circle of the Apostles—the past six months comprise a relatively calm half-year characterised by continuity. There are currently 349 active Apostles around the world.
December 23, 2019

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The Church is alive, enthusiastic, and ready to help!
Enjoying divine services, cultivating fellowship, making music, and helping our neighbours—lively and active congregational life can be found on all continents. Join us on a tour through various countries…
December 20, 2019

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Fellbach, a church with global reach
Fellbach, the name rings familiar in New Apostolic circles. Chief Apostle Richard Fehr was both ordained and retired there. And his successor, Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber, was ordained there. On Sunday, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider will visit the congregation.
December 4, 2019

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Ministry (9): Adapting ministry to the times
Can the Apostles just go ahead and do that? Are they even allowed to reorganise the ministerial structure? Not only are they allowed to do so—they must! Read on to find out why they did so in the first place, and where the limits are—ministry between the past and the future.
October 10, 2019