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Holy Sealing

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Being a help to the dead is an expression of God’s will
In all churches there are memorial ceremonies and services—defined to a greater or lesser extent—for loved ones who have passed away. Some Orthodox denominations celebrate with bread and cake at the grave. Other churches celebrate services of remembrance. The New Apostolic Church celebrates divine services for the departed three times each year.
February 27, 2016
Holy Sealing

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Twenty congregations and just one church
Believers here gather for divine service in a stadium even during the rainy season. It is here that hundreds of believers receive the sacrament of Holy Sealing in the same divine service—and it is here that many have not yet seen the Chief Apostle. The latter will change this weekend.
February 26, 2016
Holy Sealing

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Pastoral care means compassion and being there
Pastoral care should not just remain a concept. It has to be practised in order to be experienced. Pastoral care goes to heart and it takes an active interest especially in the bad moments of peoples’ lives. Such as in Taiwan after the earthquake or when congregations are scattered and regular divine services are not possible.
February 11, 2016
Holy Sealing

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Almost nine million members in nearly 190 countries
The New Apostolic Church is active in almost all countries on all continents. Africa is home to the majority of members. Countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia top the list. At its recent conference in Johannesburg, the District Apostle Meeting made a slight adjustment to the worldwide membership figures.
October 22, 2015
Holy Sealing

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The early death of a pioneer in Angola
“He was a young and deeply faithful man of God with vision,” District Apostle (ret.) Brinkmann describes his friend and companion, Sukami Landu Ronsard, the first Angolan Apostle. He died on 27 August 1989 at the age of 31 in an ambush by rebels. Thirty years ago to the day, Apostle Ronsard was ordained as an Apostle.
August 25, 2015
Holy Sealing

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A heavyweight in terms of faith
A man with a clear profile … Not only his imposing appearance, his voice, and his poise contributed to his striking personality, but most of all his heart’s attitude. District Apostle Klaus of Southern Germany would have been 75 years of age today.
June 3, 2015
Holy Sealing

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“Typically New Apostolic”—the legacy of Apostle Schwarz
Like no one else, he influenced the development of a movement that eventually became the New Apostolic Church . Not only because he played a central role in our Church's history, but also because he had a defining impact on a Christian denomination that was still in its infancy at the time: Apostle Friedrich Wilhelm Schwarz was born 200 years ago today.
April 11, 2015