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Holy Communion

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Holy Communion is celebrated everywhere
They have lost everything: their possessions, their home, and many of their loved ones. More than 50 million people worldwide have been forced from their homes. Tomorrow, 20 June, is World Refugee Day, an occasion for to take a look at some of the refugee camps in East Africa.
June 20, 2015
Holy Communion

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The first visit of a Chief Apostle in Africa
Crawling through archives generates the sensation of adventure. But browsing through diaries and hitting on interesting pictures is something that can also be done online these days, for instance in the digital reading room of the central archives of the New Apostolic Church North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. And we hit on something interesting: documents covering the first visit of a Chief Apostle to Africa fifty years ago.
June 10, 2015
Holy Communion

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“Let us trust in the power of the Holy Spirit”
“Pentecost is a feast of joy celebrating the presence and activity of the Holy Spirit in the church of Christ.” This was the message that Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider conveyed during the central Pentecost service in Lusaka in Zambia. He called on the faithful to, “Trust in the power of the Holy Spirit.”
May 24, 2015
Holy Communion

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When divine service pictures learned to move
When millions of brothers and sisters in faith around the globe are once again united for this year's Pentecost divine service, the New Apostolic Church will be celebrating a special anniversary: for the last 25 years, the Great Transmission has also been sent out to all the nations, namely by satellite. Following are some insights into what is not exactly every-day infrastructure:
May 16, 2015
Holy Communion

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The pain of loss: “Doesn’t praying help?”
Having to take leave of a loved one is very painful. When death is preceded by a long and serious illness, then grief is compounded by the gnawing and painful question: Why didn’t our prayers help? Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider responded to this question in the memorial service for Apostle Xavier Arèse.
April 22, 2015
Holy Communion

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At home around the world
Dedications, commemorations, confirmations—there sure seems to be a lot going on in the congregations around the world. As usual, we provide our readers with a brief, representative overview of the events of the past week in the many New Apostolic congregations around the world.
April 18, 2015
Holy Communion

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“Typically New Apostolic”—the legacy of Apostle Schwarz
Like no one else, he influenced the development of a movement that eventually became the New Apostolic Church . Not only because he played a central role in our Church's history, but also because he had a defining impact on a Christian denomination that was still in its infancy at the time: Apostle Friedrich Wilhelm Schwarz was born 200 years ago today.
April 11, 2015