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Good Friday

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Good Friday

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“What fantastic news!” – Two Chief Apostles in Buchholz
Buchholz? Never heard of it? It is a small town just outside of Hamburg in the north of Germany, where the retired Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber lives, who led the New Apostolic Church from 2005 to 2013. And Buchholz is where Chief Apostle Schneider will be on Good Friday: the Chief Apostle will visit the Chief Apostle.
March 19, 2016
Good Friday

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A man of great faith
This past Sunday, 25 October 2015, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider conducted a divine service in our central church in Buenos Aires in Argentina, in which he placed District Apostle Norberto Passuni into retirement. District Apostle Helper Enrique Eduardo Minio was ordained to succeed him as District Apostle for Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay.
October 28, 2015
Good Friday

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Invitation to the international youth convention in 2019
From 30 May to 2 June 2019 there will be a remake of the European Youth Day—this time with participants from around the world. “I hope to see many young people from all over the world in Düsseldorf on Ascension 2019,” Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider says.
October 13, 2015
Good Friday

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International youth convention planned for 2019
“We can hardly imagine under what horrible circumstances many people have to live!” the Chief Apostle prayed at the beginning of the District Apostles’ conference in Johannesburg in South Africa. Afterwards there was much to discuss and to decide for the District Apostles.
October 12, 2015
Good Friday

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Fall conference of the District Apostles in Johannesburg
Two times each year, all District Apostles and District Apostle Helpers of the world come together for a District Apostle Meeting. They debate globally strategic topics that are of significance for the overall leadership of the Church. In October this meeting will take place in Johannesburg in South Africa.
September 28, 2015
Good Friday

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How the Divine Service Guide is created
The making of the divine services for 2017 has begun—at least for nearly 30 Apostles from around the world. They are the writers of the Divine Service Guide, which is distributed to nearly 200,000 New Apostolic ministers around the world. The go-ahead was given at a recent authors’ workshop.
July 8, 2015