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Good Friday

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Good Friday

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The sacraments (56): The rise of Christ’s descent into hell
God wants to help all human beings, both the living and the dead. This conviction can already be found among the earliest Christians and is confirmed by the biblical motif of Christ’s descent into the realm of the dead—and corroborates the New Apostolic concept of the departed.
June 9, 2022
Good Friday

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Good Friday: paid in full
Sometimes a few words suffice to explain a complicated matter. And sometimes even a single word is enough! One with a particularly powerful meaning. Can Good Friday be explained in one word? It is worth a try.
April 2, 2021
Good Friday

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A fast with a pleasant aftertaste
First comes Mardi Gras—the Tuesday preceding Lent (also known as Shrove Tuesday)—then Ash Wednesday, and then Lent: a period that stretches all the way to Easter on the calendar. It is not about food deprivation per se, but primarily about introspection, a deeper look into one’s own heart.
February 17, 2021
Good Friday

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Why Good Friday is indeed a good Friday
Good Friday is definitely not a bad day. Actually, only hopeful Christians can understand this turn of phrase. For Good Friday, after all, is the day of the Lord’s death, but with His death Christ also made new life possible. Perspectives of a special kind.
April 9, 2020