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Our understanding of ministry is being revised
“After the Catechism is before the Catechism …” This was the motto that accompanied the introduction of this fundamental reference work in December 2012. And driven by this motto, the District Apostle Meeting continues to work on fundamental concepts. Currently in the District Apostles’ focus is our concept of ministry.
October 14, 2015

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Invitation to the international youth convention in 2019
From 30 May to 2 June 2019 there will be a remake of the European Youth Day—this time with participants from around the world. “I hope to see many young people from all over the world in Düsseldorf on Ascension 2019,” Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider says.
October 13, 2015

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International youth convention planned for 2019
“We can hardly imagine under what horrible circumstances many people have to live!” the Chief Apostle prayed at the beginning of the District Apostles’ conference in Johannesburg in South Africa. Afterwards there was much to discuss and to decide for the District Apostles.
October 12, 2015

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Church media through the ages is moving to new premises, well, actually the computers and servers are. The website can still be reached, but up to and including Monday we will be featuring our articles on and on We thought this was a good time to take you on a journey through the media landscape of the New Apostolic Church and take a look back.
July 30, 2015

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The first visit of a Chief Apostle in Africa
Crawling through archives generates the sensation of adventure. But browsing through diaries and hitting on interesting pictures is something that can also be done online these days, for instance in the digital reading room of the central archives of the New Apostolic Church North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. And we hit on something interesting: documents covering the first visit of a Chief Apostle to Africa fifty years ago.
June 10, 2015

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Development work not only in spiritual matters
One church, many cultures … This was only one of the aspects under which the New Apostolic Church—which is active in nearly all countries worldwide—presented itself at the Evangelical Church Convention in Stuttgart, the largest such gathering in Germany. On the agenda were not only spiritual topics, but also humanitarian aid and the promotion of education.
June 9, 2015