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Johann R. Kitching Jr.: a champion with vision
“Unity in diversity” was one of his big topics. And this is reflected in the legacy that he left the New Apostolic Church, the result of decades of dedicated work: he formulated the international Church’s Vision and Mission Statements. Today, District Apostle Kitching would have turned 65 years of age.
July 23, 2015

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How the Divine Service Guide is created
The making of the divine services for 2017 has begun—at least for nearly 30 Apostles from around the world. They are the writers of the Divine Service Guide, which is distributed to nearly 200,000 New Apostolic ministers around the world. The go-ahead was given at a recent authors’ workshop.
July 8, 2015

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At home around the world
There are many ways of telling people about Jesus Christ, of proclaiming His gospel, and acquainting them with the New Apostolic Church. What is important here as with everything else is that we keep in mind the various countries and their cultures.
July 3, 2015

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From street child to founding father
Many contributed to the development of the Church by preaching or doing soul care, but Apostle John Erb also laid the legal foundations for the New Apostolic Church in the United States. John Erb was born 140 years ago to the day. He had his share of ups and downs in life.
June 24, 2015

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Holy Communion is celebrated everywhere
They have lost everything: their possessions, their home, and many of their loved ones. More than 50 million people worldwide have been forced from their homes. Tomorrow, 20 June, is World Refugee Day, an occasion for to take a look at some of the refugee camps in East Africa.
June 20, 2015