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divine service

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Bringing spiritual life to the campus
The University of Ghana, the University of Science and Technology, and the University of Cape Coast are universities in Ghana which have New Apostolic campus congregations. Two years ago another congregation opened on campus at the University of Education, Winneba (UEW). There was a big celebration to mark its second anniversary.
September 12, 2023
divine service

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Examining our vow to God
Baptism, Holy Sealing, confirmation … Many of us made our vow to God a long time ago. And that is why it is important to examine ourselves and see where we stand today in terms of the promise we made. The Chief Apostle recently explained in a divine service which vows this applies to and how we should examine ourselves.
September 6, 2023
divine service

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Ways to practise faith
Giving alms and making sure that we don’t become slack in our commitment are some practical tips that the Sunday services in September will offer. The focus will be on “Becoming righteous” and “The Sermon on the Mount”.
September 1, 2023
divine service

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Ministery (35): Receiving the sacrament at the altar
Did the New Apostolic Deaconesses of the early decades carry a spiritual ministry or not? Before we can answer this we have to clear up two further questions. First, were the women ordained? And secondly, what were their duties? Here is the current state of research.
August 22, 2023
divine service

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No distance is too far
Distances, prison walls, social conventions: New Apostolic Christians do not let anything stop them from looking after their brothers and sisters in faith and experiencing fellowship. Here is a look at congregational life worldwide.
August 11, 2023