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District Apostle

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Mankind: created in the image of God
In the last edition of community, readers were informed about the findings of the District Apostle Meeting with regard to the matter of gender equality. The second part of this doctrinal article in the latest edition of community will explore what it means to say that mankind has been created in the image of God.
October 5, 2021
District Apostle

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community 4/2021: What really matters in life
There is so much that competes for our attention, and we have to set priorities… But what really matters? Here is an answer from Chief Apostle Schneider. The new issue of community also features aspects of the Church’s teachings, people who share our faith, and congregational life around the world.
October 1, 2021
District Apostle

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The Church is staying tuned
It seems as though the whole island is excited about the upcoming weekend: the Chief Apostle will be conducting a divine service on São Tomé and Príncipe. The thought is not so far-fetched, considering that nearly ten per cent of the population is New Apostolic. The Church has not even existed there all that long…
September 9, 2021