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District Apostle

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Retirement after exactly 45 years
There are times when life presents one with some astonishing coincidences: this Sunday, 22 May 2022, District Apostle Wolfgang Nadolny will retire from active ministry. It was on exactly the same day 45 years before that he received his first ministry in the Church.
May 20, 2022
District Apostle

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Spotlight 6/2022: Together at the table of the Lord
It is a beautiful picture: Jesus is sitting at the table with His disciples and passes the cup to His neighbour, who passes it on to his neighbour, and so on until all have drunk from it. For District Apostle Mark Woll from Canada this is a concrete idea that is connected to our motto for 2022.
April 18, 2022
District Apostle

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The sacraments (52): Not only here, but also in the beyond!
The dead are not truly dead—at least not for God. For God there is no dividing line between life on earth and life in the hereafter. That is what Christians believe, and that is also what the Bible states. Here is an overview of how sacramental acts are dispensed for the dead.
March 28, 2022