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Chief Apostle

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The pain of loss: “Doesn’t praying help?”
Having to take leave of a loved one is very painful. When death is preceded by a long and serious illness, then grief is compounded by the gnawing and painful question: Why didn’t our prayers help? Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider responded to this question in the memorial service for Apostle Xavier Arèse.
April 22, 2015
Chief Apostle

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A message from the editors
From all around the world there is one question that our editors are asked again and again: "The articles from are so popular that our members would really like to pass them along. Is that alright?" There is a clear answer to this question.
April 8, 2015
Chief Apostle

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Teamwork: The first youth weekend in Senegal
Three Apostles, three languages: the first youth weekend in Senegal placed high demands on others besides the organizers. Even the confirmation represented a challenge that could only be mastered through teamwork. The Apostle responsible for the work of the Church in this country reports for
April 7, 2015
Chief Apostle

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Development work—between pastoral care and bookkeeping
They were both tireless workers: but one was more of a caregiver, while the other was more of an organizer. And in the next few days, their birthdays will come around for the 150th time. Following is a look back on the activity of District Apostles Wilhelm Oehlmann and Martin Lax in the regions that are now part of Eastern Germany, Poland, and Russia.
April 6, 2015
Chief Apostle

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Faith in tribulation: Passion is followed by the resurrection
A triumphal march into the marriage chamber? Hardly! Not only individual human beings, but the church as a whole, must live through affliction. This was the message that Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider brought to the attention of God's children, while directing their eyes to the goal of our faith—in a divine service that was of special concern to him.
April 1, 2015