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charity work

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At home around the world
Helping out wherever there is a need, in accordance with the words recorded in the gospel of Matthew: "For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink..." New Apostolic Christians are also active in this area. In the following, describes campaigns on three continents over the past days.
April 10, 2015
charity work

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One plate of cornmeal every two or three days
The flooding catastrophe in Malawi continues to cause suffering for hundreds of thousands of people. The New Apostolic relief agencies known as the Henwood Foundation and NAK-karitativ are at work in the area alongside other international organizations, and report as follows from the crisis region.
March 21, 2015
charity work

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At home around the world
For many years, “A bond of love around the globe” was used as title for news in the New Apostolic world. Love is still the operative word today. New Apostolic relief organizations around the world fight to alleviate the consequences of natural disasters and in some regions specially trained brothers and sisters help their fellow members cope with grief.
March 20, 2015
charity work

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Help for flood-stricken Malawi
Hardly noticed by the world, thousands of people in southern Malawi are suffering from the consequences of a flood disaster. Hundreds of thousands have not only lost their homes but also their livelihood. In addition to the United Nations (UN), NAK-karitativ and the Henwood Foundation are on the ground and helping.
February 14, 2015
charity work

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Labour with love: the year 2014 in review (Part 2)
Even after the International Church Convention in Munich, which was the highlight for many, there were a lot of other happenings in the New Apostolic Church worldwide. Some of the important and interesting highlights from the second half of the year were as follows.
January 31, 2015
charity work

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Light after darkness
Comfort and solace was offered in a recent concert by the Wilhelmshaven Chamber Choir. It was given in memory of the tsunami in South-East Asia ten years ago. How did those affected by the tsunami, either directly or as helpers, experience the disaster? Following are some personal accounts.
January 8, 2015
charity work

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Media offer 2015: is the website of the Church leadership
Zurich. For those who desire official church information, is the correct address to visit: As of spring 2015, the site will mostly publish announcements of international management and doctrinal texts. Future publications include changes in the Apostle´s circle, statements from the international working groups and project groups as well as news of the Chief Apostle.
December 9, 2014
charity work

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Concern over Ebola disease in Western Africa
Stuttgart/Zurich. The Ebola virus is currently raging in a number of West African countries—and hundreds of people are affected. District Apostle Michael Ehrich provides corresponding guidelines for fellowship in church, and calls upon members and ministers to observe preventive measures unconditionally.
August 14, 2014