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Australia / Pacific

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The beginning of something new
Jesus entered Jerusalem, and of all things on the back of a donkey. For many of those who witnessed this it was outrageous. After all, the people had been expecting the Messiah, who had been announced as a king. And now this!? By the end of the week, Jesus Christ will have been killed.
April 13, 2019
Australia / Pacific

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Divine service in the southernmost city of the world
Whether at the end of the world, close to the South Pole, or on a small island somewhere in Africa, divine services and fellowship are possible nearly everywhere in the world. All one has to do is get up and go.
March 15, 2019
Australia / Pacific

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“I have been welcomed warmly”
About a hundred days into his new task as District Apostle in the newly established District Apostle Area Western Pacific, we asked District Apostle Peter Schulte what has changed for him and what his expectations are for 2019? An interview with Peter Schulte.
January 14, 2019
Australia / Pacific

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Changes in the circle of the Apostles (2/2018)
Nine Apostles were ordained by Chief Apostle Schneider in the second half of last year. He also appointed two new District Apostles. One Apostle passed away, seven Apostles and two District Apostles retired, and one Apostle was dismissed.
January 8, 2019