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Spotlight 01: Joy, a fundamental attitude

January 26, 2015

Author: Mark Woll

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To radiate joy in Christ, that is the goal of our 2015 motto. From today on, District Apostles from all over the world will throw light on this multifaceted theme on District Apostle Mark Woll from Canada will begin.

Joy is not something that happens to us. It is the result of our attitudes and actions in our lives. The prophet says “yet”, meaning whatever happens, be it good or difficult, in all circumstances and situations “I will rejoice in the Lord”. This must be our fundamental conviction.

This also means we must want to have joy. The foundation for this joy is our trust and firm belief in our triune God. It is said that joy is the offspring of hope and hope the daughter of faith. We come to realize that happiness is not getting what we want, but being thankful for what we have.

Furthermore, joy comes from using what we have for the benefit of others. In other words, giving of ourselves and of the little or much we possess. When we truly appreciate and seek after what Christ provides through His sacrifice, His love, His grace, and make use of it by sharing it with others, then indeed we will have joy and rejoice in the Lord today and eternally.

Join our interactive project and help us illustrate the 2015 motto!

Take pictures, make a short video clip, ask the children to draw a picture, or let your own creativity gush. Whatever you come up with, send it to us! Over the course of the year we will publish the best ideas here on The editors can be reached at:

January 26, 2015

Author: Mark Woll
